Dir. Keerti Gupta, Mihika Mishra

"she was, she is, and she will be."
In India, Kali, translating to 'black', is the revered goddess and also a slanderous abuse. Devoid is a dance film based on a poem that embraces the goddess and her skin colour. Devoid invites the little girl who was forced to apply besan in the hopes of becoming fair as well as all spectators to this dance performance, persuading us that being Kali is a blessing and not a curse.
1. AltFF Alternative Film Festival (Toronto): Official Selection
& Nominee for Best First-Time Director
2. Global Independent Film Festival of India: Official Selection
Anticipated Release: Early 2024
Director's Note
Growing up as a brown skin woman in a brown-skinned country that somehow doesn't like it's type, I was made to apply DIY homemade face packs used by my grandmother to cure the curse of dark skin. Small things like this were so normalized for me and countless others that we never questioned it until much later. While going over a collection of Poetry I published, I read and re-read this poem and began to envision it as something that calls for the screen. I was lucky to find a wonderful team of young women with similar experiences who could bring this vision to life. Shruti Bhatt, the choreographer, created a beautiful dance piece that combined her background in Bharatynatayam, a classical Indian dance, with Contemporary dance. Apart from countless hours to produce this vision, preparing my body for the rigor of this dance and getting accustomed to the Bhatarnataym steps was a challenge. As I director, my favorite memory was that of working with our child actor Myra Rao, whose emotional capabilities and readiness to deliver were such a pleasure to watch!

Myra Rao as "Little Girl "
Keerti Gupta as "Dancer "
Salim Shaikh as "Poster boy "
Swatie Mishra, Seema Gupta and Mihika Mishra as extras
Keerti Gupta: Director, Writer
Mihika Mishra: Director
Muskaan Ghai: Director of Photography
Shruti Bhat: Dance Choreographer
Tarang Maroo: Music Composer
Muskaan Ghai: Editor
Devendra Jagtap: First Assitant Camera and Gaffer
Seema Gupta: Executive Producer
Kusum Patel: Makeup and Hair
Swati Mishra: Costume Designer
Avantika Garg: "Showcasing Kali" Poster Designer